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NOGA נֹגַהּ


Dancer and choreographer: Yoanna Esther Blikman

Dramaturgy: Anat Danieli

Durée: 33 minutes


Noga in chassidut is “a peel” situated between darkness and twilight.This performance is a ritual of transformation from a woman to another, resembling to the process of ‘Techuva’ (in hebrew : coming back, repentance). It is also a prayer elevated to another woman, Israel. Yoanna Blikman who was born in Paris immigrated to Israel at the age of nineteen, after 15 years she decides to leave physically her land to come back to the place where she was born for an undetermined time.


After the kibbutz Beeri, where she did her last performance was victim of a Pogrom, Yoanna found herself immobilized for several months, incapable of moving the limbs of her body.It’s through the letter of the Torah and its study that she found a movement of life again.

She spent her days between Tefila (prayers), limud (learning) and singing, going back and forth between the synagogue and the dance studio, which became one place in her.If someone was asking her the question : Where are you? She was answering : Jerusalem


Premiered at the Micadanses venue, Paris

Sponsors : The Choreographer’s Association of Israel, Micadanses, Le Centre de Danse du Marais

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